
House # 57,896

House hunting... boy am I tired emotionally, mentally and physically (we are having some hot and humid weather here in Alabama). BUT, it is so exciting as well. We are extremely fortunate to have friends to help us along in this process, offering advice and issues they had dealt with when they had purchased.

My husband and I always swore we would never purchase a "cookie-cutter" home. There is no character in these homes, and if you know me and my husband we are full of that...personality. However, a good friend offered up these wise words "It may look the same on the outside, but you can make it completely yours and unique on the inside." The house we are looking at is built really well, and another plus is we would know practically everyone who lived in the neighborhood.

Here are some pictures. We're waiting to hear back from the loan officer. (we were already approved with a different loan officer, but if we go through their realtor, we have to be approved through them)

We would end up painting our shutters a dark color

Dining area looking into kitchen and living room. We'd opt for the black appliances.. we actually prefer those over the stainless steel ones. I know, the terror. They also are offering a $3500 deco incentive, which would allow us to upgrade to hardwoods and other things, but we'd rather take that off the asking price. We know too many people who could get the job done for cheap later on.

This is actually an eat in kitchen, but plenty of space for us

Living area, so neat. To the left in that hallway is the place for the washer and dryer and to the right are the 2nd and 3rd bedrooms with a full bathroom

Master bathroom, and my cute husband being a camera hog

Tub and shower

Master walk in closet. This picture does not do it justice. We went by last night and it's bigger than I had remembered. You can fit a twin size mattress and still have room to wiggle!

The one downfall to this lot, are those giant green sewer things in the back yard. We like this lot the best for many reasons, but are wondering if there is anything they can do about those. If not, we may look at a different back yard. Those are such an eye sore and completely annoying. So, we'll see!

It's quite an adorable home and there is no doubt we'd start painting and changing things up right away. But, it has great bones and no major renovations needed!


  1. I'm a sucker for archways. I'm drawn to Spanish-style architecture and small odes-to make me happy. Aside from being an eye sore do those sewer lines pose safety risk? Gosh I'm such a mom. hahaha

  2. You know, I have no idea about the safety risks involved. I do know we went and looked at the house with a friend and her 3 small children, who also lives in the neighborhood, and did not make mention of them in any negative way other than they stick up and the other backyards, they are flush with the grass... good question though!

  3. so fun! The green caps are for the septic tank. we all have them in this area. I built my garden (flower)around mine so you don't see them unless you look. Let me know when you find out, I am so excited for you two.

  4. what a lovely little home!
    and im sure you will do wonders to make it look totally unique and gorgeous! :)

  5. Beautiful! Oh to have a walk in closet!

  6. wow, this is really exciting! it's really nice that there are no major renovations needed as well (big plus!)

  7. What a great house!

    I just thought of something for the back yard, what if you built a wood deck over those things, but with like a trap door thing to get to those things if you needed to get to them :) Make the deck big enough to cover those and then have a pretty yard in the rest of the area. Hey, if anything its less grass you have to mow?

  8. Ooh, what a great idea! Not something I even thought about!! Thanks!

  9. I was thinking the wooden deck too! love it!
    we live in a "cookie cutter" home as well. I have to admit it is nice to move into a new home without the worry of little things. (you can still call the builders for problems....kind of like renting) Plus, you know that nobody else lived in it before you! can't wait to see what you decide!!!

  10. Yipeeeee, how exciting! Keep us posted!

  11. So exciting! When we started house hunting I had a list of things that the house either had to have or could not have and you would be shocked how many things in our house our the opposite of what I said. I can't wait to see what happens!

  12. I know you are excited! I love the kitchen and living area. I'll be praying that everything goes smooth for you guys. What part of town is this?

  13. How exciting - finding what could possibly be 'the' house is one of life's great pleasures. Good luck with the loan approval process!

    I bet a good landscaper can figure out how to hide the sewer things. Does it have septic? I looked at a house under construction a few weeks ago, and saw some similar looking things in the back, and now I am wondering whether they were a septic tank.

  14. That house is so cute... I love all the little details!

  15. looks beautiful! i love the fireplace and built-ins.

  16. You'll love the fireplace. I have one and love to sit in front of it and sip cocoa during the winter!

  17. Oh my goodness, it's just oozing potential :)

  18. Love the arches and niches! Such an exciting time!

  19. i must need a house buying update! How fun!!

  20. oh that last comment was from me- my computer was signed in under the wrong name- ooops!
