
could you...

...imagine this peaceful night's sleep?

And speaking of paper lanterns... I would love something like these for my dining room. Anyone know where I could look? I think they'd look perfect with the rest of the furniture. (we are getting our Parsons table tomorrow!!)

{photos by Nicolas Matheus}


  1. yes, i could imagine myself sleeping there and it would be heaven!

  2. sleeping there would probably be very close to heaven! :]

  3. Oh, wow! I wish that is where I was sleeping tonight--so beautiful and peaceful!

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog, I wish someone could magically place in that bed so I could drift off to sleep with no babies kicking me in the middle of the night. I love your wedding pics, you look beautiful.

  5. Oh, my. That's officially on my wish list.

  6. That's like a dream. I should get that picture enlarged and framed so I could put it on my bedroom wall and dream away...

  7. that woule be the dreamiest sleep spot of all time! i wish that were my backyard. :)

    thanks for stopping by and i'd be honored to have you do a post on recessionista!! xo
